Anwen Zhang is an applied microeconomist and currently Lecturer in Economics at the University of Glasgow. His research focuses on policy-relevant issues related to health and education. His more recent work aims to understand what matters for mental health. He received his PhD in Economics from Lancaster University, and held research positions at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the University of Cambridge prior to Joining University of Glasgow.
University of Glasgow
Anwen Zhang
University of Kentucky, USA, and Institute for Fiscal Studies
James Ziliak
James P. Ziliak holds the Carol Martin Gatton Endowed Chair in Microeconomics and University Research Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Kentucky. He currently serves as Department Chair, as Founding Director of the Center for Poverty Research, and as Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies in London, England. His research expertise is in the areas of labour economics, poverty, food insecurity, and tax and transfer policy.
Vanderbilt University
Ariell Zimran
Ariell Zimran is Assistant Professor of Economics at Vanderbilt University and a Faculty Research Fellow of the NBER. His research focuses on trans-Atlantic mass migration in the period 1840-1920 and on health in the nineteenth-century United States.
University of Edinburgh
Robert Zymek
Robert Zymek is a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. He is also an affiliate of the CESifo Network, a consultant at the Bank of England, and the executive director of the centre on the “Credit and Labour-Market Foundations of the Macroeconomy” (MacCaLM). His research interests are international trade and macroeconomics. His research has addressed topics such as the origins of trade imbalances; trade and productivity; the benefits of currency unions; and the costs of sovereign default.
University of Cambridge
Özge Öner
Özge Öner is an Associate Professor in Spatial Economics and Real Estate at the Department of Land Economy and a Fellow in Economics and Land Economy at Sidney Sussex College at the University of Cambridge. Özge’s research deals with migration, labour mobility, micro-geography of segregation and ethnic enclaves, retail and service geography, urban amenities, the geography of entrepreneurship, and political geography.