Anne Brockmeyer is the Research Director for the tax & development group at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, Honorary Associate Professor at University College London and a Senior Economist at the World Bank (?currently on leave). Her research lies at the intersection of development economics and public finance, with a focus on the design of tax systems in the context of weak institutional capacity and high informality. Anne holds a PhD from the London School of Economics.
IFS, UCL, World Bank
Anne Brockmeyer
University of Sheffield
Sarah Brown
Sarah’s research interests lie in labour and education economics, and household finance. She is a director of Sheffield Household Finance Group, an IZA Research Fellow and a Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute Associate Fellow. She has been a member of the DWP Steering Committee for the Work, Pensions and Labour Economics Study Group since 2001. She is a member of the Money and Pensions Service Research and Evaluation Group. Since 2015, Sarah has been a Low Pay Commissioner.
Cardiff University
Phillip Brown
Phillip Brown is a Distinguished Research Professor in the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. His publications include 18 books, including The Death of Human Capital?: Its Failed Promise And How To Renew It In An Age of Disruption (Oxford University Press, 2020). He Chaired an Independent Review examining the impact of digital innovation for the economy and the future of work in Wales (2019), and is currently leading a three-year international research programme on digital futures of
University of Bristol
Juliette Brown
Juliette Brown recently graduated from the University of Bristol with a BSc in Economics and Politics and is currently working as an editorial assistant for the Economics Observatory. In September, she will be pursuing a masters at the London School of Economics in Political Science and Political Economy. Her interests lie in the area of international trade and socio-economic inequalities.
Queen's University Belfast
Graham Brownlow
Graham Brownlow is Senior Lecturer in Economics at QMS. He is also a Research Associate of the Queen’s University Centre for Economic History and an elected member of the RIA Social Science and Humanities Committee. Since 2012 he has been editor/co-editor of Irish Economic and Social History. In 2019 Graham was plenary lecturer for the Economic History Society annual conference. Apart from his research on economic and business history, Graham has published on contemporary topics such as
University College London
Alex Bryson
Alex is Professor of Quantitative Social Science at UCL’s Social Research Institute. He is a Research Fellow at IZA, NIESR and Rutgers and is Editor-in-Chief at Industrial Relations Berkeley. His research focuses on labour economics, employment relations and programme evaluation.