Questions and answers about
the economy.


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Wageningen University

Madison Levine

Madison Levine is a Research Associate with Wageningen University & Research. She has been based and working on an impact evaluation on rural electrification throughout Sierra Leone since 2019. She co-founded the Women and Diversity in Economics and received her MSc in International and Development Economics at University of San Francisco in 2019. Her main interests are in agricultural and experimental economics.

California State University, Fullerton

Liqing Li

Liqing Li is an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department of the College of Business and Economics. Her research interests lie in the field of environmental economics, using modern econometric methods for causal inference and several tools from the non-market valuation toolbox. Her recent work focuses on urban green space, environmental justice, and conservation policy.

National Institute of Economic and Social Research

Iana Liadze

Iana Liadze is a Principal Economist at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. Iana has worked with the National Institute Global Econometric Model (NiGEM) and the macroeconomic modelling team since 2006. As a key member of the macroeconomic modelling and forecasting team she is actively involved in every step of production of the institute’s quarterly review. A significant proportion of her time is devoted to research behind the development of NiGEM model as well as other

University of Liverpool

Lin Liu

Lin Liu is a lecturer at University of Liverpool. She received her PhD from University of Rochester. She specialises in macroeconomics. Her research focuses on understanding effects of monetary and fiscal policy using empirical and quantitative methods, and studying the interaction of infectious diseases and the macro economy using dynamic general equilibrium models. Her work on economic epidemiology models which predate the current pandemic have been published in Economic Theory and Journal of

University of Birmingham

Johannes Lohse

Johannes Lohse is Lecturer (Ass. Prof) in Economics at the University of Birmingham. In his research he uses lab and field experiments to study cooperation, public goods provision, and the economics of charitable giving and pro-environmental behaviour. He is interested in why individuals contribute to intergenerational public goods, give to charities, or behave fairly and how such decisions vary with individual’s social and local identities and the presence of social information.

University of Warwick

Graham Loomes

Graham has degrees in Economics from the universities of Essex and Birkbeck College London. He previously held posts at the universities of Newcastle, York and East Anglia and has been at Warwick since 2009. He has undertaken research for a number of government bodies in the UK and elsewhere, and has received funding from the Economic and Social Research Council and the Leverhulme Trust. Currently, he is a co-investigator in the ESRC’s Network for Integrated Behavioural Science and the