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Jobs, work, pay & benefits
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 11 Dec 24
What are the links between job vacancies, unemployment and inflation?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 26 Nov 24
How do safety concerns shape women’s opportunities in developing countries?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 11 Nov 24
Good work: what do we know about the quality of UK jobs?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 28 Oct 24
What share of the economic pie goes to workers?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 13 Aug 24
What is the current state of economic inactivity in Northern Ireland?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 08 Aug 24
What is disability pay gap reporting?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 10 Jun 24
What do we know about the effects of military conscription?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 12 Feb 24
What do we know about labour market power in the UK?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 10 Jan 24
Has job furlough reduced UK labour force participation after Covid-19?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 09 Nov 23
What is the disability employment gap and why is it important?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 11 Oct 23
Why has it taken so long for stagnant pay to become central to UK politics?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 11 Sep 23
What explains the gender division of labour and how can it be redressed?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 26 May 23
Should the UK government get active about economic inactivity?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 21 Apr 23
Frontline stories: designing furlough at HM Treasury
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 19 Apr 23
How has the pandemic affected young people’s employment?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 06 Dec 22
How has Covid-19 affected economic inactivity in Northern Ireland?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 04 Oct 22
What does remote working mean for regional economies in the UK?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 22 Sep 22
The shift to working from home: how has it affected productivity?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 21 Sep 22
Is work in the UK becoming more insecure?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 20 Sep 22
How has employment of older workers changed since the pandemic?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 22 Aug 22
Minimum wages and living wages: what happens in times of inflation?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 15 Aug 22
Are wages keeping up with the cost of living?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 11 Jul 22
How has Covid-19 affected self-employment in UK regions?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 30 Jun 22
How is the post-Brexit immigration system affecting the UK economy?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 20 Jan 22
What is happening with UK wages?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 08 Nov 21
What might be the effects of a four-day working week?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 20 Oct 21
How does climate change affect workers’ productivity?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 21 Jul 21
Will people go back to the office after the pandemic?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 15 Jul 21
How can soft skills help people get better jobs?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 30 Jun 21
How has Covid-19 affected India’s economy?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 03 Jun 21
Retraining: which are the best policies for getting people back to work?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 02 Jun 21
What kind of government support might replace the UK’s job furlough scheme?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 11 May 21
How might increases in the UK minimum wage affect jobs, work and pay?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 20 Apr 21
What is the future of working from home?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 13 Apr 21
How might Uber drivers’ new status as workers affect the gig economy?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 07 Apr 21
Ethnic minorities and the UK labour market: are things getting better?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 29 Mar 21
Update: How is coronavirus affecting the self-employed?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 02 Mar 21
Update: How is the coronavirus crisis affecting gig economy workers?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 08 Feb 21
How are robots affecting jobs and pay?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 03 Feb 21
What’s happened in the UK labour market during the Covid-19 recession?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 03 Dec 20
How is the coronavirus crisis shaping self-employment?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 13 Nov 20
How has wage growth varied across the UK economy during the pandemic?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 10 Nov 20
Coronavirus, careers and mental health: what are the links?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 28 Oct 20
How can local policies limit the scarring of young people by coronavirus?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 13 Oct 20
Should selective government support replace the job furlough schemes?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 16 Sep 20
How might coronavirus affect older workers?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 14 Sep 20
How will coronavirus affect the lifetime earnings of new graduates?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 23 Aug 20
What will be the effect of coronavirus on gig economy workers?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 09 Aug 20
How will coronavirus and the recession affect UK immigration?
Jobs, work, pay & benefits
• 03 Aug 20
The UK’s job furlough scheme is coming to an end: what happens next?
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