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the economy.

Current Research

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Economists from around the world are using real time data collection to better understand the impact the Covid-19 crisis is having on families, workers, firms and society, and how policies can help the recovery out of the crisis. Find out more about how these research teams are carrying out their projects, and what their findings are below.

The effects of working from home on Covid-19 infections and production – a macroeconomic analysis for Germany

We study the impact of confinement on infection risk and on the German economy. We first document that regions whose industry structure allows for a large fraction of work to be done at home also experienced much fewer Covid-19 cases and fatalities. ...
Primary Topic: Business, big & small
Secondary Topic: Jobs, work, pay & benefits
Lead investigator: Harald Fadinger

The short and long run impact of the “great lockdown”: lessons from Italy

This project aims to assess the impact of school and economic lockdowns on short-run outcomes (the spread of the Covid-19 pandemics) and on medium and long-run ones (effect on economic outcomes and school performance) by exploiting heterogeneity in t...
Secondary Topic: Jobs, work, pay & benefits
Lead investigator: Nicola Borri

The Corona virus Covid-19 crisis

The research is based off the results of a 10-minute survey using the University's Qualtrics questionnaire system, surveying information on the potential personal impact of Covid-19 on one's own income and employment situation, personal hea...
Secondary Topic: Jobs, work, pay & benefits
Lead investigator: Prof. Dr. John P. de New

Safe matching and labor reallocation

The recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic will involve a major reallocation of labour across jobs. A large number of jobs involving personal contacts with customers or colleagues are likely to be shut down for a long period of time unless they can be d...
Primary Topic: Business, big & small
Secondary Topic: Jobs, work, pay & benefits
Lead investigator: Gaetano Basso

The global Covid-19 student survey

The global Covid-19 student survey aims to gauge university students’ reactions to the current Covid-19 pandemic and their expectations about the future, particularly as they enter the job market. The survey aims to document how students’ studies...
Secondary Topic: Jobs, work, pay & benefits
Lead investigator: David A. Jaegar