Geraint Johnes is Professor of Economics at Lancaster University. He has published widely in leading economics journals on efficiency measurement & labour markets, & is author of several books. His most recent work concerns the gig economy at regional level in the UK, & on the employment effects of retail sector developments. Geraint is a regular commentator on economic events on TV & radio, and has recently provided analysis on COVID-19 for (amongst others) BBC 5live, France24, RT
Lancaster University
Geraint Johnes
Wales Centre for Public Policy
Craig Johnson
Craig is a Research Associate with the Wales Centre for Public Policy. He has recently published reports on migration policy, the implications of Brexit for Wales, and public service leadership. His research interests are in politics and public policy. He has published in leading refereed academic journals on issues of party politics, public opinion and elections. He completed his PhD in Politics at Newcastle University in February 2018, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.
Cardiff University
Melanie Jones
Melanie Jones is a Professor of Economics at Cardiff Business School. Her research is in empirical labour economics and involves the quantitative analysis of large-scale secondary data. She has a particular interest in gender equality and the interaction between health and the labour market. She is committed to using this evidence to inform policy and practice, such as through the collaboration Disability@Work.
Centre for Community Finance Europe & Liverpool John Moores University
Paul Jones
Dr Paul A Jones is Director of Research at the Centre for Community Finance Europe (CFCFE), Reader in the Social Economy at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and visiting lecturer at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He has over twenty-five years’ experience in academic and action research in credit union development and financial services for lower and moderate-income households including advice, in the UK and across Europe. He is the Deputy Editor of the Journal of
University of Manchester
Richard Jones
Richard Jones is Professor of Materials Physics and Innovation Policy at the University of Manchester. He is an experimental physicist with a focus on materials science, specialising in the properties at surfaces and interfaces, with wider interests in the social and economic consequences of nanotechnology and has contributed significantly to innovation within the higher education sector. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society.
Cardiff Business School
Calvin Jones
Calvin holds a PhD in the Economics of Tourism and Major Events. He has been involved in the development of a number of measurement tools for sustainability, including the pilot Environmental Satellite Accounts for Wales and the Tourism Environmental Satellite Account for Wales. His research interests focus on sustainable regional development, energy economics, and AI, automation and future skills. Calvin is a failed novelist, rock star and screen writer, but served a successful and rewarding (if