Angus is a research economist at the IFS working within the Human Capital Development sector. His work focuses on inequalities in child development and families as well as the effect of early intervention programs on child development.
Institute for Fiscal Studies
Angus Phimister
University of Sheffield
Harry Pickard
Harry Pickard is a research associate at the University of Sheffield. His main research interests are in the areas of political and public economics, particularly in voting behaviour, British political economy and Brexit, and political leadership. His recent work has examined the impacts of terrorism in the UK whilst giving consideration to type of terror attack and the effect of political ideology on migration patterns. Harry is also an associate fellow at the Sheffield Political Economy Research
Huddersfield Business School
Claudio Piga
Using a data intensive approach, Claudio’s research has identified key aspects of airline pricing algorithms. His work on hotel pricing has highlighted the positive impact of the abolition of Price Parity Clauses in Online Travel Agents Platforms. In 2019, he received a grant from the Office for National Statistics to collect data on the UK housing market. The data is being used to study the market during the COVID-19 crisis.
Chris Pike
Chris Pike leads the OECD Competition Committee’s Working Party 2, which focuses on competition policy & regulation. He has led the OECD’s work on competition & regulatory policy in digital markets, its ground-breaking research on inclusive competition, and the development of an international standard on competitive neutrality. Previously, Chris was Director of Competition Economics at the UK’s Healthcare Regulator. He has also advised the Competition Commission on mergers &
University of Bristol
Ben Pimley
Ben Pimley is an Editorial Assistant at the Economics Observatory and Third Year BSc Economics with Study Abroad Student at the University of Bristol.
Charities Aid Foundation
Susan Pinkney
Susan has over 20 years experience working in market and social research in both Edinburgh and London. Through this she has helped provide insight to a number of charities on the local, national and international level. Since 2016 she has been the Head of Research at the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) where she is on the senior leadership team. In this role she is responsible for CAF’s research outputs which help inform the charity world and beyond. Susan has been a trustee of The Hospice in The