Questions and answers about
the economy.


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University of Basel & CREMA

Bruno S. Frey

Born in Basel, Switzerland in 1941. 1970-77 Full Professor at University Constance and 1977-2012 University Zurich. 2010-13 Distinguished Professor at University Warwick. 2012-15 Senior Professor at Zeppelin University. Since 2015 Permanent Visiting Professor at University Basel. 1990-91 Visiting Research Professor at University Chicago. Honorary Doctorates from 5 European Universities in 5 countries. Author of 30 books (economics of environment, politics, behaviour, happiness, awards and arts).

The University of Sheffield

Silke Fricke

Silke Fricke is a Speech and Language Therapist and Senior Lecturer in the Division of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield. Her research focuses on understanding speech, language, and literacy development and difficulties in monolingual and multilingual children as well as the interrelationships between these skills, and the evaluation of early support and intervention approaches for children’s speech, language and literacy development.

Harvard University

Benjamin M. Friedman

Benjamin M. Friedman is the William Joseph Maier Professor of Political Economy, and formerly chairman of the Department of Economics, at Harvard University. Much of his research and writing has focused on economic policy, and he has frequently advised both policymakers and candidates for public office on economic issues. His work has also addressed broader issues of the connections between economics and society. His most recent book is Religion and the Rise of Capitalism.

London School of Economics and Political Science

Paul Frijters

Professor Frijters is currently a Professor in Wellbeing Economics at the LSE, teaching the Masters Course in Wellbeing and Public Policy. He specializes in applied micro-econometrics, including labour, happiness, and health economics, though he has also worked on pure theoretical topics in macro and micro fields. Professor Frijters currently advises the UK government and others on how to implement wellbeing policies at the national and regional level.

Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex

Laura Fumagalli

Laura is an applied economist, working on topics related to education, health, and development economics. Currently, most of her research agenda is centred around the study of well-being and adolescents’ behaviour.

Yale School of the Environment

Eli P. Fenichel

Eli Fenichel is the Knobloch Family Professor of Natural Resources at Yale. For nearly 20 years, he has studied the economics of infectious disease. His first paper on the economics of social distancing was published in 2011 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Prof Fenichel’s 20+ papers on the economics of infectious disease and behavioral policies also appear in outlets such as the Journal of Health Economics, Lancet Public Health, and Proceedings of the Royal Society.