Questions and answers about
the economy.

Devolution at 25: Understanding and addressing educational inequalities

20 May 2024 (1.30pm-4.30pm), University of Strathclyde

Technology and Innovation Centre, 99 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RD

The Economics Observatory is holding a series events to mark 25 years of devolution. The chief aim of these events is to be forward looking and stimulate debate as to how we create prosperous Northern Irish, Scottish, and Welsh economies.

They will bring together bring together academics, policymakers and practitioners to present research findings, share ideas and engage in a structured discussion.

The Glasgow event, on Monday 20 May, focused on inequalities in education, how we measure them and what polices help to close existing gaps.



This event is hosted in collaboration with the University of Glasgow and University of Strathclyde.