Questions and answers about
the economy.

100 days to kickstart Britain

The UK’s economy has waned in recent years - low growth and productivity have been coupled with rising inflation and poverty. How can Britain’s economic model be re-built to kickstart productivity and tackle the country’s challenges?

Speakers and chair:


Figure 1: The productivity gap

Source: ONS

Figure 2: Public finances

Source: ONS

Figure 3: Inflation, 1990-2024

Source: ONS

Figure 4: Housing Construction, England and Wales, 1856-2020

Source: Watling and Breach (2023) from Holmans (2004)

Figure 5: Economic uncertainty

Source: Economic Policy Uncertainty

Figure 6: Onshore wind capacity

Source: Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

Figure 7: NHS waiting times for consultant-led elective care

Source: British Medical Association analysis of NHS data

Figure 8: Current Account Balance

Source: ONS

Figure 9: Real Weekly Earnings

Source: ONS

Figure 10: Investment, percentage of GDP

Source: OECD

Figure 11: GVA per capita, home nations

Source: ONS

Figure 12: Total fertility rate (1939-2022)

Source: ONS